Friday, December 27, 2019

Asperger’s Syndrome Madness, Savantism, or Genius

. Asperger’s Syndrome: Madness, Savantism, or Genius? Marilou Bauer Ottawa University Physiological Psychology PSY 31354 Dr. John Papazafiropoulos June 11, 2012 Asperger’s Syndrome: Madness, Savantism or Genius? Everyone knows, or has known, a person that could be described as a little â€Å"off†, â€Å"quirky†, or â€Å"eccentric†. That was the person who was socially inept, shy, studious, and may have had a stutter. They might have had an artistic talent, or may have seemed almost a â€Å"genius† in mathematics or science. More than likely, that person was considered a â€Å"geek† or â€Å"nerd†. That person may have had a mild form of high functioning autism called Asperger’s syndrome, and they might not have known it until recently. Asperger’s†¦show more content†¦However there is evidence that people are being diagnosed with this condition even though they have no problem with learning how to speak fluently and/or they have a high verbal IQ. Recommendations for several revisions in the listing and diagnostic criteria have been made, for the fifth revised issue of the DSM, that are causing quite a bit of controversy and could result in Asperger’s syndrome either being â€Å"subsumed under the category of ‘autism spectrum disorder’ or becoming a separate condition from autism (Chew, 2010). The Genius of Asperger’s Syndrome People with this disorder are affected in different ways. The strengths of Asperger’s, according to James, include â€Å"the ability to think in unusual and enriching ways, concentration for long periods of time on a single activity, sole attention to a task and persistence with it far beyond the point at which other people would have given up† (2006, p. 11).

Thursday, December 19, 2019

A Just Man Should Fear No Death in the Apology by Plato Essay

Plato’s Apology The Apology was written by Plato, and relates Socrates’ defense at his trial on charges of corrupting the youth and impiety. Socrates argues that he is innocent of both charges. His defense is ultimately unsuccessful, and he is convicted and sentenced to death. Socrates concludes the Apology by arguing that a just man should have no fear of death. Socrates defends himself against the charges brought against him by his prosecutor Meletus in two ways. One way consists of a description of Socrates’ motivation and method, which he hopes will explain to the jury why some people, including his prosecutors, dislike him. The second defense consists of Socrates responding directly to the two charges brought against him:†¦show more content†¦He points out that he has never received pay for his services, and presents his poverty as proof of his service to the god (p. 30). Finally, Socrates claims that the god has given him a â€Å"divine sign† which warns him when he is about to do something wrong. It is this sign, he says, that has prevented him from leading a â€Å"public† life of politics. Socrates responds to the charge that he is guilty of corrupting the youth, in two ways. The first way (p. 28) attempts to show that Meletus’ charge is â€Å"frivolous† on the grounds that it does not confo rm to plausible examples of how creatures become corrupted. Under questioning from Socrates, Meletus grants that all of the citizens of Athens except Socrates benefit the youth of Athens; Socrates alone corrupts them. Yet this is implausible, Socrates implies, for in other cases of corruption, such as the corruption of horses by bad owners, the contrary is the case, with only one or a few individuals benefiting them, and most people corrupting them. Socrates’ second argument against the charge of corrupting the youth presents a dilemma. Although Meletus asserts that Socrates corrupts the youth deliberately, Socrates vehemently denies this (p. 29). Assuming that the alleged corruption is not deliberate, Socrates then presents Meletus with two possibilities: â€Å"Either I do not corrupt the young or,Show MoreRelatedPlatos The Apology659 Words   |  3 Pages Platos The Apology is an account of the speech Socrates makes at the trial where he is charged for various reasons; not recognizing the gods recognized by the state, inventing new deities, and corrupting the youth of Athens. Socrates did not win over the jury pleading his case, and was therefore sentenced to execution. It can be said that Plato’s Apology of Sokrates, although an unsuccessful attempt at defending Socrates on the charges of corruption the youth of Athens, is a successful defenseRead MorePlato Is One Of The Greatest And Well Known Philosophers1388 Words   |  6 Pages Plato is one of the greatest and well known philosophers of all time. Born around 428 BC, Plato grew up in Greece learning from Socrates, another well known philosopher. Later in life, Plato taught Aristotle who was also a well known philosopher. His works of writing and thoughts about life have significantly impacted the Western culture in numerous ways. In selected readings of Plato, he seems to place importance on wisdom, and how to attain wisdom. Plato argues that in order to attain pure knowledgeRead MoreThe Trial and Death of Socrates Essay1639 Words   |  7 PagesThe portrayal of Socrates, through the book â€Å"the trial and death of Socrates† is one that has created a fairly controversial character in Western history. In many ways, Socrates changed the idea of common philosophy in ancient Greece; he transformed their view on philosophy from a study of why the way things are, into a consideration man. Specifically, he analyzed the virtue and health of the human soul. Along side commending Socrates for his strong beliefs, and having the courage to stand by thoseRead MoreThe Apology And Phaedo By Plato Essay1682 Words   |  7 Pages The Apology and Phaedo by Plato are two different books describing what is like to be a philosopher per Socrates believes. These two books take place in two different scenarios in Socrates’ life, The Apology takes place i n a court room where Socrates is to defend himself from false charges brought to him by Meletus who is acting as the prosecutor. Phaedo, on the other hand, takes place in a prison cell post judgment on the day of Socrates execution. Hence, The Apology and Phaedo appeared to displayRead MorePericles Argument For A Pro Democratic Government932 Words   |  4 Pagesasserted by Pericles that citizens should defend their city, by doing so, they are worthy of such an honor (Pericles, 1). 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In the beginning of his speech Socrates explains that he has no exper ience in courts and he will speak informally. He then explains that his behavior is heavily influenced by a prophecy told by an oracle which stated thatRead MoreThe Apology By Plato : Is The Unexamined Life Worth Living?1058 Words   |  5 PagesThe Apology by Plato â€Å"Is the unexamined life worth living?† (The Apology, 2016, para. 48). This question has been asked by people since the time of Socrates. Many people delve into the quandary of this question seeking a greater understanding of their purpose. Often times, people live on the surface and never truly strive for self-examination, whereas others believe it is crucial to deeply examine one’s true self. Every life is worth living. However, the difference between simply existing in an unexamined

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

It was a cold and damp morning, the moisture stuck to skin like flies to fly paper Essay Example For Students

It was a cold and damp morning, the moisture stuck to skin like flies to fly paper Essay It was a cold and damp morning, the moisture stuck to skin like flies to fly paper. The loud thud thud thud of the helicopters had awaken me from my trance, after two and half hours of sleep. I had risen just in time for a fresh cup of coffee when all of the sudden a chopper touched down just outside the barracks kicking up all the debris and dirt it could find. The night before had been a hellish one, the mortar blasts and screams of my fellow soldiers had kept me awake nearly all night. And how, my coffee had been ruined by the damn helicopter. I was in the worst place on Earth, Saigon, in 1968. Definitely the wrong place at the wrong time. My orders were simple, so I thought. Meet up with a group of Green Berets just outside of enemy lines, and go north to a small village controlled by American troops, we would get more information soon after we had arrived. That was it, just like king of the hill when I was kid. I met up with my partners in a joint called the Lucky Money, a real run down place, the air filled with stale smoke and the scent of plastic palm trees. Lets just say the Lucky Money had seen better days. Hell just four months ago Bob Hope had occupied that vacant stage. The atmosphere was filled with tension. At the drop of a pin the whole environment could erupt into total chaos, half the time shoot outs would start in the street just from punks tossing rocks around. The guys I met up with were worn down, not one of them had a good nights rest in at least a month, you could see it in their eyes. All they wanted was a ride home, and they were going to do anything and everything in their power to get home. The leader of the group, Colonel Jake Denton, had been here two damn years. He didnt have much to say except he missed his kids. The other three were all from Texas, but none of them knew each other until the army put them together. The mousy looking kid was from Dallas, and he always had a cigarette hanging from his lip, a sure sign of the stress that was building inside him, his name was Jon Weinhard. The two other guys were Mike Brown and Jerry Stocker, both of them really seemed to like each other and were always giving Jon a hard time, no doubt they were a couple of jocks straight out of high school. Mike was always talking about something, I swear to god not even a roll of duct tape could shut him up, and Jerry was always slacking off, doing just his part of the job, and leaving early so he could go and get drunk. We sped off in the Jeep making good distance for the next couple of hours. Twilight fell and we slept in a small town along side a river, the hotel was horrible, the skittering and scattering of roaches on the floor kept me awake for hours. The weather was hot and muggy, bugs everywhere clung to my skin like metal on magnets, it was impossible to escape them. The next morning came. After an early meal of some rice cakes and goats milk, the breakfast of champions, we decided to get moving. To my surprise we had reached our destination by noon, and there was no going back for a while. The Jeep was totally empty on gas, it was a wonder we even made it to the bridge. I went and talked to some of the fellas by the barracks, they had said that the mail hasnt been delivered for more than a month now, according to them the mail use to come through once every two weeks. The camp looked like a circus, lights strung up across power lines, people everywhere just seemed to be having a good time. The atmosphere was really relaxed, these boys probably hadnt seen any action in months, and it was definitely starting to show. .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 , .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 .postImageUrl , .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 , .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046:hover , .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046:visited , .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046:active { border:0!important; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046:active , .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046 .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u67d574e5dae4b6819f47c336af156046:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Mount Everest EssayNight fall came and the berets and I settled down in a bunker alongside the river, Jerry was listening to a radio he talked out of some guy and kept getting angry because when ever he found a frequency that was English it would turn into static after a few minutes. The issue about the mail not getting through kept nagging at me. Oh well, half the people hear the same stuff over and over in those damn letters, come home soon, stay out of the way of the bullets, make it home in one piece, whether the folks at home liked it or not, those sort of things were out of the soldiers hands. Around these parts saying something like, Dont worry momma, Ill be home soon, was just that, a saying, and actually getting home was a hell of a lot harder than saying it. Dusk fell like stones in water, one minute there was light, the next moment was total black. The insects buzzed around like rockets in space, zipping this way and that, the jungle around us haunted our deepest thoughts. Its density was inescapable, occupying every corner of your mind, nagging you like a little child, always there. For some reason the soldiers seemed exceedingly cautious tonight, a lot more stressed than their usual laid back manner. Why the hell is everyone so damn nervous? I questioned to Jake as he flipped through a veit-namese newspaper. Reports of Charlie sweeping through the area, probably the gun shots we heard earlier, no need to worry though, the radio said they were heading south, directly away from us, pronounced Jake as he continued to page through his newspaper. Then why are all the men so shaken tonight? I wondered. You have to realize, most of these grunts around here are just kids, they probably havent even fired a weapon since basic training, spoke Jake very calmly. Mike and another kid named Jojo were put on watch for the first two hours of the night, from ten oclock to midnight, everything went according to plan, not even a blade of grass moved. Jon and I were up next, from midnight until two oclock in the a. m. I kept awake by consuming mass amounts of coffee, better than the muddied down crap the called coffee back in Saigon, this stuff was pure, real AAA class stuff. Jon flooded the bunker with cigarette smoke. The density of the smoke was unbearable. Shhhh! Did you hear that? I whispered Hear whaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Jon was interrupted by the ball of lead that had flown straight through the tip of his cigarette, I sounded the alarm while Jon manned the guns, I dont think Ive ever seen someone cut down an entire forest with a machine gun, but I have now. The bullets were shot into air, wood, flesh, metal, just about anything and everything that was outside of that bunker, and there was nothing that could stop them. Theres nothing like the sound of a duel barrel 30mm rail gun blasting off round after round, the waves bounced off the walls inside the bunker like the ball of a pin ball machine, CLANK CLANK CLANK, was all I could hear. Soon the entire camp was engulfed in flames from plummeting mortars, whistling through the air, there were so many of them you didnt have anywhere to run, the sky was falling and we had no umbrella. Casualties were racking up like points in a basketball game, and we were the losing team, we must have been outnumbered at least three to one. How the hell had we lasted so long? Maybe we had just gotten lucky, or it could be that all these fresh tomatoes were so trigger happy they set a goal to not die until they got their fair share. Our bunker was running low on ammo, and lucky me, it was my job to get more 30mm rounds. As soon as I got out of that hell hole, the only thing that came to mind was run, run like hell. On the way to the munitions facility I must have seen over a hundred bodies lying lifeless on the red stained earth, not to mention the others who would soon join them. .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 , .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 .postImageUrl , .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 , .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3:hover , .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3:visited , .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3:active { border:0!important; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3:active , .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3 .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue25b5cc5e8f363603f71e95e55cebfe3:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Vietnam Is One Of The Most Famous Wars That America Has Taken Place In EssayI reached the munitions building only to find that it wasnt there anymore, the whole place had been demolished, the only thing left was its concrete foundation, charred black by the massive explosion that occurred. I immediately ran back to the bunker, and to my dismay, it was gone too, the burnt corpse of Jon was still gripping to the melted, red hot 30mm chain gun. Panic took over, my body felt like it was going to shut down, so what else was I suppose to do? I hid, a small cave on the edge of the river had gone un-noticed to the invading troops, so I thought that would be a good place to reside. Time had no existence to me now, I couldve been in that cave for days for all I know, the only thing I can remember is when I poked my head out of that little hole and felt the pitter patter of warm rain drops on the front of my face. Screams of agony and terror arose from the nearby village, when I reached the village I couldnt believe my eyes, how could something so horrible happen. The entire village had been destroyed, no sign of any breathing Viet-Namese soldiers anywhere, although countless of them were scattered around the dirt streets. Jon was dead, there was no sign of Jerry, and Jake and Mike lay side by side both dead, looked like they had been executed. My eyes welled up with water and I cursed the day I had set foot in Viet-Nam, I cursed everything I could think of. Ironically the mail had arrived earlier that day, many letters wouldnt be delivered to their rightful owners. All of my partners in this assignment had received letters that day. Jon got one from his mother, saying she was anxious for him to get home in one piece. Mike had gotten a box of brownies from his grandma and a few pictures of his newborn son. Jerry received a letter from his girl friend saying she had saved up enough money for them to get their own place on the outside of town, a little red log cabin on an acre of land with a pond a giant willow tree. Jake on the other hand wasnt so lucky, he only got a letter from his insurance company saying he owed them $376. 38. My wife sent me a letter with a couple pictures of my seven year old daughter on the swing set I built in the backyard just before I left. Oh God how I miss my wife and daughter, oh God how I miss home.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

NSTP documentary Literacy training center free essay sample

NSTP made its way by literacy training by engaging in some services like peer tutoring program, with an active cooperation and participation of knowledge channel team. Its goal is to apply appropriate literacy about what we learned for the whole semester. The knowledge channel volunteers from rescue 177 provide us a seminar. This is composed of self-knowledge and instructional plan. The literacy training service that is offered by National Service Literacy Program (NSTP) and the program of knowledge channel for public schools provide an excellent training service for some student who lack literacy and is in need of additional time of learning. We went to their Rescue Training Center to have a seminar by the help of our NSTP professor Ms. Ericka. We started our day by dividing all the students who attend NSTP Training into group. Each group must have a leader and for our group, Michelle Villegas my block mate volunteered herself to be our representative. We will write a custom essay sample on NSTP documentary Literacy training center or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page To start our activity our instructors introduced their self for us to know who are they and they said that we must call them Sir and Ma’am. The first activity we did is about the different kind of bandages, there’s a lot of bandages that we can make for an injured person with a triangular bandage. After we learned about bandaging they give us a time to take our lunch. After an hour we moved to the Rappelling. First, our instructors discuss about the things or the equipment that we will be using for rappelling and then they show to us the proper way of using all the equipment or tools. After that, they gave us an opportunity to try how to rappel but before that they teach us first the things that we need to do in rappelling and the different kind of rappelling. And then they let us experience rappelling. After that, one of the instructor in Rescue 177 which is a registered nurse gave us a lecture about Safety Services, it is tasked with a nationwide educational campaign to ensure the health and safety of the Filipino people. The first lesson we coped from the instructor is about First Aid. The courses aim to equip participants with knowledge, skills and confidence in providing care for a person who has been injured or suddenly become ill. The trainings include lecture and demonstration on bandaging techniques, emergency transfers and common emergencies. Next is about accident prevention courses, this course aim to equip participants with knowledge, skills and confidence to perform management to a person whose breathing and heartbeat suddenly stopped. The trainings include lecture and demonstration on performing foreign airway obstruction management, rescue breathing and CPR. In addition, it provides opportunities for us to apply the knowledge and skills that we have learned from the trainings. The last activity we did is they let us experience the right ways in giving a first aid of an injured person, the instructors assigned a patient for each group and the rest will be the rescuer. They let us use what we learned in the whole training/seminar, the instructors just observe us while we’re doing the task and in the end, after we finish the task the instructor will check and observe if we did a right way to give a first aid on the patient. The whole day of our training is so tiredly but in exchange we learned many things that we can probably use when there’s an emergency. In general, this Literacy Training Service Is a success even there are some issues. Literacy is really invaded in the country.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Sonno Joi, Restore The Emperor And Expel The Barbarians, Essays

Sonno joi, "Restore the Emperor and expel the Barbarians," was the battle cry that ushered in the Showa Restoration in Japan during the 1930's.Footnote1 The Showa Restoration was a combination of Japanese nationalism, Japanese expansionism, and Japanese militarism all carried out in the name of the Showa Emperor, Hirohito. Unlike the Meiji Restoration, the Showa Restoration was not a resurrection of the Emperor's powerFootnote2, instead it was aimed at restoring Japan's prestige. During the 1920's, Japan appeared to be developing a democratic and peaceful government. It had a quasi-democratic governmental body, the Diet,Footnote3 and voting rights were extended to all male citizens.Footnote4 Yet, underneath this seemingly placid surface, lurked momentous problems that lead to the Showa Restoration. The transition that Japan made from its parliamentary government of the 1920's to the Showa Restoration and military dictatorship of the late 1930s was not a sudden transformation. Liberal forces were not toppled by a coup overnight. Instead, it was gradual, feed by a complex combination of internal and external factors. The history that links the constitutional settlement of 1889 to the Showa Restoration in the 1930s is not an easy story to relate. The transformation in Japan's governmental structure involved; the historical period between 1868 and 1912 that preceded the Showa Restoration. This period of democratic reforms was an underlying cause of the militarist reaction that lead to the Showa Restoration. The transformation was also feed by several immediate causes; such as, the downturn in the global economy in 1929Footnote5 and the invasion of Manchuria in 1931.Footnote6 It was the convergence of these external, internal, underlying and immediate causes that lead to the military dictatorship in the 1930's. The historical period before the Showa Restoration, 1868-1912, shaped the political climate in which Japan could transform itself from a democracy to a militaristic state. This period is known as the Meiji Restoration.Footnote7 The Meiji Restoration of 1868 completely dismantled the Tokugawa political order and replaced it with a centralized system of government headed by the Emperor who served as a figure head.Footnote8 However, the Emperor instead of being a source of power for the Meiji Government, became its undoing. The Emperor was placed in the mystic position of demi-god by the leaders of the Meiji Restoration. Parliamentarians justified the new quasi-democratic government of Japan, as being the "Emperor's Will." The ultra-nationalist and militaristic groups took advantage of the Emperor's status and claimed to speak for the Emperor.Footnote9 These then groups turned the tables on the parliamentarians by claiming that they, not the civil government, represented the "Imperial Will." The parliamentarians, confronted with this perversion of their own policy, failed to unite against the militarists and nationalists. Instead, the parliamentarians compromised with the nationalists and militarists groups and the general populace took the nationalists' claims of devotion to the Emperor at face value, further bolstering the popularity of the nationalists.Footnote10 The theory of "Imperial Will" in Japan's quasi-democratic government became an underlying flaw in the government's democratic composition. It was also during the Meiji Restoration that the Japanese economy began to build up its industrial base. It retooled, basing itself on the western model. The Japanese government sent out investigators to learn the ways of European and American industries.Footnote11 In 1889, the Japanese government adopted a constitution based on the British and German models of parliamentary democracy. During this same period, railroads were constructed, a banking system was started and the samurai system was disbanded.Footnote12 Indeed, it seemed as if Japan had successfully made the transition to a western style industrialized state. Almost every other non-western state failed to make this leap forward from pre-industrial nation to industrialized power. For example, China failed to make this leap. It collapsed during the 1840s and the European powers followed by Japan, sought to control China by expropriating its raw materials and exploiting its markets. By 1889, when the Japanese ConstitutionFootnote13 was adopted, Japan, with a few minor setbacks, had been able to make the transition to a world power through its expansion of colonial holdings.Footnote14 During the first World War, Japan's economy and colonial holdings continued to expand as the western powers were forced to focus on the war raging in Europe. During the period 1912-1926, the government continued on its democratic course. In 1925, Japan extended voting rights to all men and the growth of the merchant class continued.Footnote15 But these democratic trends, hid the fact that it was only the urban elite's who were benefiting from the growing industrialization. The peasants, who outnumbered the urban population were touched little by the momentous changes this lead to discontent in a majority of the populace. During the winter of 1921-1922, the Japanese government participated in a conference

Sunday, November 24, 2019

All Our Relations essays

All Our Relations essays In Winona LaDukes, All Our Relations: Native Struggles for Land and Life documents the historic pillaging and exploitation of Native Americans then and today. LaDukes inspirational voice to native peoples resistance to environmental devastation is uncanny. In this book, the use of updated detailed maps and native pictures help frame each chapter vividly. The book consists of 10 chapters detailing in environmental, spiritual and human conditions, and the struggles of indigenous peoples from Awkwesasne to Hawaii. LaDuke's introduction prompts the reader that over the last 150 the earth has witnessed the largest extinction of species since the Ice Age as well as the loss of more than 2,000 nations of native peoples in the Western Hemisphere. She gives evidence that cultural diversity helps to ensure biodiversity. Where indigenous people maintain their traditions one can often find an enclave of biodiversity. This is one of the unifying themes of the book. LaDuke ends the chapter with the description of a ceremony and the determination of native peoples to continue their commitment to the land and the people of the land. Although, the setting begins with the tone of depression, the book goes on to achieve parallels amongst certain tribes across the earth for hope and sanctuary. The first chapter, in All Our Relations presents a brief history of the Mohawk legacy in the Great Lakes region and contrasts it with the industrial pollution of Akwesasne that has led to PCB contamination of mothers' milk. The book details the work of Katsi Cook and others analyzing their food chain and ultimately forcing General Motors to clean up its contamination of the Great Lakes region. LaDuke asserts, In October 1983, after 25 years of dumping toxics, General Motors was fine $507,000 by the EPA for unlawful disposal...2 ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The making of the modern Oman since 1970 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

The making of the modern Oman since 1970 - Essay Example the fact that Oman did not have sufficient infrastructure like cemented roads, bridges, sea and airports, telecommunications and broadcasting systems, health care and educational facilities made Oman’s economic progress impossible to achieve. (, 2008a) For this study, the researcher will examine the major key factors that have lead to the rapid transformation and modernisation of the Sultanate of Oman. To provide the readers with a brief introduction, the researcher will discuss about Oman’s geographic information and history. Eventually, the differences on the economic outlook between Sultan Qaboos and the past sultans with regards to the economic and social development progress in the country will be highlighted. With regards to this matter, the researcher will examine the past and current economic development on oil, trade, and agriculture and fishes industry; the education and health system; as well as the communication and transportation development. In line with globalization, the researcher will discuss related economic issues in Oman’s foreign affairs. Prior to the conclusion, potential developmental perspectives and other significant strategies that will keep Oman competitive in the global market will be exa mined. The Sultanate of Oman, having a total land area of 309,500 sq. km., is situation on the north side of the United Arab Emirates (U.A.E.), east side of the Arabian Peninsula, the northwest area of Saudi Arabia, and the southwest of the Republic of Yemen. (U.S. Department of State, 2008) Basically, the main part of Oman is separated from the northern part of the state by the Sharjah and Fujairah (UAE). (, 2008a) (See Appendix I – Oman’s Geographical Map on page 20) As of 2006, Oman’s estimated population has reached a total of 3.2 million including the 577,000 immigrants. The country has a wide variety of ethnic groups including: Arabs, Baluchi, East African (Zanzabari) as well as South Asian’s Indians,